B: The Beginning is a Japanese anime series created by Production I.G and Kazuto Nakazawa. This anime series premiered worldwide on Netflix on March 2, 2018. A second season titled B: The Beginning: Succession premiered on on March 18, 2021
- "Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force just as serial killer "B" emerges. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally, or a target."
- —Official Netflix synopsis
- "When Keith is abducted and a friend from Koku’s past resurfaces, Killer B returns and everyone is pulled into a conspiracy involving the crown."
- —Official Netflix Season 2 synopsis
Cast and Characters[]
- Hiroaki Hirata as Keith Kazama Flick
- Yūki Kaji as Koku
- Asami Seto as Lily Hoshina
- Hiroki Tōchi as Eric Toga
- Minoru Inaba as Boris Meier
- Ami Koshimizu as Kaela Yoshinaga
- Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Brian Brandon
- Shintarō Tanaka as Mario Luís Zurita
- Atsushi Goto as Jean-Henri Richard
- Toshiyuki Morikawa as Gilbert Ross
- Yu Kitada as Laica
- Kaito Ishikawa as Minatsuki
Promotional Videos[]
Promotional Images[]
See More[]
- Watch B: The Beginning on Netflix