Baron Alexander von Bach is a character on The Empress. He is portrayed by Alexander Finkenwirth.
Alexander von Bach is the Interior Minister. Like Emperor Franz Joseph, he wants peace and does not want to fight in wars.
Bach comes from a village quite far from Vienna. He sometimes wonders how he ended up at Schönbrunn Palace and feels as if it's all a dream.
Throughout The Empress[]
Season 1[]
At a meeting, Franz heard news of wars in other countries. Buol, foreign minister, advised Franz to join the war, however, Bach, interior minister, advocated for peace. Buol mocked Bach for his views and urged Franz to pick a side. His mother, Sophie, wanted Franz to side with the Russians and join their war against the Ottoman Empire. However, his brother, Maximilian wanted Franz to side with the West. Franz decided that Austria would not go to war, disappointing his family and most of his advisors.
During Maximilian's soirée, Franz met up with Stephenson, a meeting organised by Bach. Franz asked Stephenson to build a railway line as he wanted to connect the people of his empire. Stephenson said that the money wasn't enough to build a railway, so Franz asked for a few more days to secure the funds. Stephenson reminded Franz that going to war would be costly, but Franz was certain that Austria would not go to war.[1]
Alexander von Bach persuaded the Emperor to not join in any wars. Archduchess Sophie disproved of his opinion and said that if the empire crumbled, she would hang him first.[2]
Leontine von Apafi returned to her room and was about to enter, when she was stopped by Bach. He had been mesmerised by Leontine and nervously asked her out on a date to look at paintings. Leontine agreed, and in the corner of her eye, saw Amalia leaving her room.
Bach reported disturbing news to Franz, that Baron Georg von Sina cancelled the loan because Franz broke his promise by sending sizeable troops to the border. He angrily dismissed Bach.[3]
Season 2[]
Bach is rather reserved and advocates for peace.
Physical appearance[]
- Season One
Season 2[]