Bel is a character in Welcome To Eden. She lives in Eden. She is portrayed by Begoña Vargas.
Bel is a member of the Eden Foundation. Astrid and Erick felt that Nico was unable to handle Zoa, so Nico was taken off her, and Bel became Zoa's "link", meaning that he was tasked with developing a relationship with her and keeping her on Eden. Bel and Zoa slowly began to develop a romantic relationship, much to Nico's dismay.
Throughout Welcome To Eden[]
Bel lives in Eden and rides horses.
During Zoa's evaluation and during meals, Eloy and Bel communicated in sign language.[1]
During Bel's evaluation, she said that at her previous job, she explained to her supervisor and factory managers that they were emitting carbon dioxide way above the limit, but nothing changed after several months. She posted a few tweets to feel like someone was listening, and ended up getting fired. Astrid used this as a reminder for everyone that the people out there do not care and will simply treat them as faceless and voiceless pawns. They will die rich, while the young will inherit a planet destroyed by their greed.[2]
Bel wanted to help Zoa find Aldo. Since Claudia had refused help, Bel asked Eloy to help her get Orson's access card. Since Orson was at level 2, he had greater accessibility on the island. While Eloy and Orson hooked up in the horse stable, Eloy grabbed Orson's access card and threw it out the window to Bel. Bel used the card to access the IT area. In the system, she learned that África and Ibón had "passed", but Aldo was "eliminated" because he was "disobedient" and "ego-centric". Zoa’s status was "pending" because she "possessed leadership qualities" but was "bitter" and "disobedient." From the security camera, she saw that Orson had noticed his missing card, so she rushed to put Orson's card back in the stable.[3]
Bel, who appeared to be harbouring feelings for Zoa, asked Astrid for permission to watch over Zoa, since she was worried about her "rebellious behaviour." While alone with Zoa, Bel told her not to trust Nico, because he was her "link" - a person that is supposed to keep a newcomer at Eden.[4]
During the party, Erick gave a speech about his relationship with Astrid and about Eden. Suddenly, the screen changed and "Muerte a Astrid", meaning "Death to Astrid" was shown. Claudia asked Bel if she was behind it, but Bel denied any involvement.[5]
One night, the four new members, Zoa, África, Charly and Ibón, went through an initiation process to signify them joining Eden. They needed to walk across burning coal and get a necklace. The four then got a star tattooed onto their wrists to show that they were at level 1. Eva and Alma were promoted to level 2, and Ulises was promoted to level 3.
The next morning, Nico asked Astrid why he was not promoted. Astrid explained that he did not do a good job bringing Zoa in. She also told him that he was taken off Zoa and that Bel would watch over her instead. Nico angrily confronted Bel, but Bel said she was just following orders.
In the afternoon, Zoa and Bel went horse riding together. They sat down on some rocks and talked. Bel revealed to Zoa that Erick's family is loaded, and that Erick and Astrid treat Eden members like children because they do not have any. Zoa brought up seeing a young boy outside her window one night, but Bel brushed it off, saying that it because she was hallucinating after drinking Blue Eden. Bel explained that children are not allowed at Eden, and that members are not allowed to get pregnant. Members who don't meet Astrid and Erick's expectations get replaced, and there will always be new members. Bel said that this is why they needed to take a stand and plan a rebellion. Many shared their opinion and they needed to team up. Zoa brought up Fran and Claudia. Bel said that she begged Fran to wait longer after the festival because they weren't prepared, but he couldn't wait. Bel began to tear up, Zoa assured Bel that she didn't kill him - Astrid did.
At night, Eloy dragged Ibón to his module glass window and saw Zoa and Bel standing in front of theirs. Bel and Eloy exchanged a hand signal to show that they had each other's backs. Bel explained to Zoa that it was good to have a reminder that there was someone she could trust. Zoa and Bel started kissing, but Bel stopped it and asked Zoa about where she stood. Zoa made it clear that she planned on escaping, but Bel said she didn't intend to do that because she wanted to save the rest of the people at Eden.[6]
Bel is a tough and enigmatic person.
Physical appearance[]
Bel has long dark hair tied into 5 fishtail braids.
- Bel knows sign language and is often seen signing with Eloy.