Benjamin Ferel is a main character in French thriller series Lupin. He is portrayed by Antoine Gouy as an adult, and by Adrian Valli De Villebonne as a teenager.
Benjamin is best friends with Assane Diop, whom he met at an elite boarding school when the pair were teenagers. Currently he runs an antique shop while assisting Assane with his less-than-legal dealings in his spare time.
Throughout Lupin[]
Benjamin first meets Assane when the latter begins attending the Andrésy school through a donation made by Anne Pellegrini. Seeing that Assane is being bullied by a group of boys, Benjamin steps in and tells them to leave him alone, unless they want to be reported to the school's director.

Assane and Benjamin wait outside Lorenzo Calligari's shop
The two quickly become inseparable, and Benjamin is introduced to other meaningful people in Assane’s life, most notably Claire, with whom he develops a friendship as well. When Assane decides to commit his first major crime by stealing a violin from Lorenzo Calligari, a racist vendor, in order to give it to Claire for an upcoming audition, Benjamin offers to keep watch outside the shop. He is present at Claire’s recital, which ends in both her and Assane being escorted from the premises by police officers after they are pointed out by Lorenzo. Benjamin helps Assane fake a message from Lorenzo when the theft of the violin nearly costs his friend his place at the Andrésy school. Assane and Benjamin sometimes skip classes in order to explore Paris, discovering secret passages in the Catacombs that they mark for future use.
Benjamin is forced by his parents to spend the summer with Paul, the son of a wealthy family friend, in the south of France. As a result he is not present for Assane's interactions with Bruno and Jean-Luc Keller, and his ultimate flight from Paris with Claire.
Benjamin opens an antique shop in one of Paris' flea markets, selling a myriad of items including those that Assane has stolen from wealthy families.
Present Day[]
Part 1[]
Benjamin continues to be the only person who is entirely informed of all of Assane’s exploits, and assists with them: the fake necklace that Assane switches out with the real Queen's Necklace during the Louvre heist is made for him by Benjamin.
Benjamin is also with Assane when he watches Hubert Pellegrini give his press conference about the contents of the Malaysia tape. On the morning of Raoul's birthday, he helps raise Assane’s spirits after Fabienne Bériot’s murder, telling him that if he becomes depressed, Hubert will have beaten him, and reminding him that he still has an ex-wife and child who care about him. Re-energized, Assane leaves Fabienne's dog, J'Accuse, with Benjamin, and heads to Claire's apartment.
Part 2[]

Benjamin finds out about Raoul's kidnapping
On the afternoon of December 11th, Benjamin encounters Claire returning from Raoul's birthday trip to Étretat, and grows concerned upon seeing her anguished facial expression. Claire shows Benjamin a newspaper article containing a story about Fabienne’s death and her fight against Hubert, with a photograph of Assane in his “Salvator” disguise included. Benjamin tries to cover for Assane, asking Claire why he would know about the events described in the article; Claire responds that he has always known about everything. She reveals that Raoul has been kidnapped, and that she believes Hubert to be responsible. Benjamin is stunned, and attempts to assure Claire that Assane will find a way to bring Raoul back, but Claire is not convinced and begs him for help. When Claire meets with Hubert Pellegrini, she takes one of the diamonds from the Queen's Necklace (presumably given to her by Benjamin), offering him the rest if he returns Raoul to her.
Later, Assane complains to Benjamin that Claire wound up betraying him to Hubert Pellegrini, and that she has cut off his contact with Raoul. Benjamin defends Claire, reminding Assane that she was desperate and that she alerted him at the last second. Assane decides to move on, and the two devise a new plan to go after Hubert which involves Assane seducing Juliette Pellegrini in order to turn her against her father. To help Assane with the operation, Benjamin makes reservations at a restaurant under the name of Horace Velmont, a fictional French-Canadian businessman. He also creates a detailed copy of a painting by Camille Pissarro, which he sends to Juliette alongside several false news alerts about its disappearance from the Musée d’Orsay.
During this period, Benjamin receives another visit from Claire, who asks him how Assane is doing. He tells her that Assane is fine, and urges her not to worry about him. Claire introduces Benjamin to her new companion, Marc, who buys a bracelet from Benjamin’s shop to give to Claire. Later, Assane asks Benjamin about the bracelet, telling him that Juliette has seen it on Claire's instagram account and wants him to steal it. Benjamin admits that he was the one who sold the bracelet, and tells Assane that as it is extremely rare, he will have to take it from Claire if he wants it.

Assane and Benjamin collect information from Lucas Lacroix' files
In addition to Assane’s supposed courtship of Juliette, he and Benjamin plan a much more involved stunt for the Pellegrinis’ fundraising concert at the Théâtre du Châtelet. This involves getting their hands on the briefcase of Lucas Lacroix, who handles Hubert’s investments. One day, while Lacroix is walking to work, Benjamin poses as a jogger and knocks him down. When Assane, waiting nearby, asks Lacroix if he is all right, Benjamin grabs the briefcase and dashes off with it, while Assane pretends to give chase. The two hide out in Benjamin’s yellow Fiat 500, where they retrieve all of the data from the briefcase, after which Assane returns it to Lacroix.
Deciding that they need another accomplice, Assane and Benjamin head to the library to scout out potential candidates. They eventually encounter a young delinquent attempting to steal an Arsène Lupin book. The two bring the man to Assane’s home and give him a makeover, styling him as a respectable broker named Philippe Courbet, the surname taken from that of an artist who had painted the cliffs of Étretat. In exchange for his help, Assane and Benjamin give Philippe one of the diamonds from the necklace, and promise him another once their plans are finished. With help from Assane and Benjamin (and, unwittingly, Lacroix), Philippe successfully infiltrates Hubert's inner circle.

Benjamin prepares to jump off of the bus
Benjamin pays for Fabienne’s funeral, allowing Hubert and his men to discover that he is Assane's collaborator. One day, as Benjamin brings J’accuse to Assane’s apartment, Léonard follows him discreetly. That night, Benjamin remains unaware that Assane has been framed for Léonard’s murder until Assane calls and tells him to leave his shop immediately. Once Benjamin has packed a bag and exited, he gets another call from Assane, who asks him if he is being followed. Benjamin looks around and sees Pascal behind him, matching his pace. After Benjamin nervously informs him of the situation, Assane tells him to get onto a bus and to jump off at the last second. Benjamin manages to carry out this task; the bus, with Pascal still on it, drives away.
The next morning, Benjamin and a hooded Assane enter their hideout, a storage unit owned by Benjamin. Assane stealthily steals a phone from a passerby; once they are inside, he uses it to post a comment on one of the many news articles being released about him. Anxious about being found by the police, Benjamin is shocked by Assane’s calm demeanor and seemingly flippant behavior, and angrily tells him that they need to leave Paris as soon as possible. Assane stubbornly responds that only a guilty person would flee, and they are not guilty. Soon afterward, however, Benjamin and Assane hear that the police have managed to locate their hideout. The two escape through a secret passage into the Catacombs, in which they manage to evade their pursuers using their knowledge of the many connecting tunnels. That evening, Benjamin and Assane discuss their upcoming showdown with Hubert at the Thèâtre du Châtelet.

Benjamin tries to motivate Assane at the Thèâtre du Châtelet
On the day of Juliette's concert, Benjamin disguises himself as a worker helping Philippe bring large boxes of computer equipment, one of which contains Assane, into the theater. Benjamin and Philippe are stopped by Dumont, who is suspicious of the contents of the boxes, but eventually lets them proceed after looking inside one and finding only electronics. Benjamin changes into a security guard’s uniform, and meets with Assane and Philippe in a control room at the top of the theater. Noticing that Assane seems anxious, Benjamin reminds him to be calm and methodical, as usual, and jokingly points out that he himself is usually the nervous one. Assane brightens up and goes on his way. While Assane is interrogating Hubert and running from the other security guards, Benjamin finds the controls for the light fixtures. After Assane has finished publicly accusing Hubert of his crimes, he tells Benjamin to turn off all of the lights. Benjamin does as he is instructed, plunging the theater into darkness.
Benjamin and Philippe take the opportunity of the frenzied atmosphere to sneak out of the theater undetected. Benjamin gives Philippe the last diamond from the necklace, as previously promised. Philippe asks Benjamin where the money that Hubert had been planning to embezzle from Juliette’s foundation will actually go. Benjamin reveals that he and Assane have arranged for it to go to the foundation itself. The two grin at each other, and Benjamin starts his yellow Fiat 500. Philippe questions whether they should wait for Assane; Benjamin assures him that Assane will catch up, and they drive off.
Part 3[]
In the year following Assane’s showdown with Hubert Pellegrini, Benjamin has kept a low profile, managing to retain ownership of his antique shop. Unlike Claire and Raoul he is not the recipient of targeted media harassment. After Assane returns to Paris from Marseille, he meets up with Benjamin and complains that Claire was not happy to see him. Benjamin reminds Assane that as a direct result of his actions, Claire is being terrorized by the press, showing him several recent tabloid magazines with her picture on the front page.

Assane and Benjamin discuss the black pearl
Assane tells Benjamin that he has a plan to get them out of Paris. When Benjamin questions the level of the plan’s difficulty on a scale of one to ten, Assane responds that it is a twelve. The plan involves stealing an expensive black pearl from the Maison Everlin, a boutique located at the Place Vendôme, in order to fund his family’s escape, as well as faking his death to get the media off of his trail.
Together, Assane and Benjamin scout out locations near the Maison Everlin, where Assane will fall from a roof and appear to die. They agree to hire Philippe Courbet to pose as a paramedic who will arrive on the scene and take Assane to a hospital before the police can show up. They also visit Père-Lachaise cemetery, the location of Assane’s eventual false funeral, where Assane demonstrates to Benjamin the means by which he will escape from a disused sewage tunnel.
Assane has brought in his childhood friend Bruno, in character as BRI commander Felix, to help them. On the night of the intended theft, with Assane having notified the boutique (and the media) of his intention to steal the pearl, he, Bruno, and Benjamin arrive at the site dressed in full BRI gear, including balaclavas which obscure their facial features. When the clock strikes ten, Assane grabs the pearl and dashes off. As he is about to leave the premises of the boutique, Bruno and Benjamin catch up with him and pretend to arrest him. They guide Assane out of the shop through a throng of onlookers and into a police car. After driving several blocks away, they let Assane out of the car.

Benjamin and Philippe at the morgue
Benjamin changes into a paramedic’s outfit and rushes to the scene of Assane’s "demise." He and Philippe load Assane’s body into an ambulance and bring it to the morgue at the Lariboisière hospital, where they put on lab coats and pose as doctors. The head mortician, Dr. Daniel Martinez, arrives and questions who Philippe and Benjamin are; Philippe claims that he is one Dr. Vernes, and that he is new at the hospital. He offers to call the hospital’s administrator to confirm, but Martinez declines after Philippe implies that the administrator will be annoyed.
Aware that if Guédira and Belkacem will recognize him should they wind up on the scene, Benjamin steals off into a small adjacent room. The two officers arrive in short order, and Benjamin watches Philippe manipulate both them and Martinez into believing that Assane is truly dead. Additionally, he sends a message to Objector journalist Fleur Bélanger, who has been covering Assane’s story, informing her that Assane’s body is presently being inspected at the morgue. However, the message is intercepted by Fleur’s colleague and rival Arnold de Garmeaux. When Arnold turns up at the morgue, Benjamin allows him to photograph Assane on the examination table.
Despite having aided Assane in faking his death, Benjamin is uncomfortable with the devastation it causes to Claire and Raoul. Nonetheless, he keeps Assane’s secret and arranges a funeral for the following Thursday. On the day of the funeral, Benjamin, wearing a New York Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses, walks at the head of the procession with Claire and Raoul. Among the other attendees are Guédira, Belkacem, and Juliette Pellegrini.

Raoul, Claire and Benjamin react to Guédira's order to open the casket
After the minister has given his eulogy, Guédira interrupts the proceedings and demands that the casket be opened to prove that Assane is inside. Aware that Assane is inside but is very much alive, Benjamin grows anxious as Claire desperately pleads with him to stop Guédira. The casket is opened, and Assane’s seemingly lifeless body is found inside. After it is closed and lowered into the ground, Benjamin, along with Claire and Raoul, drop roses onto it.
Benjamin subsequently meets with Alberto, a potential buyer for the black pearl, and convinces him into coughing up 20 million euros. However, when he tells Assane the news, Assane responds that the plan has changed, as he has received a message from his mother, Mariama, whom he has not seen for two decades, and that he intends to meet her at a pre-arranged location. Benjamin is immediately skeptical, assuming that Assane is being catfished, but Assane stubbornly insists that he will go, pointing out that the fact that the message in and of itself means that somebody knows that he is alive.
When Assane returns, he tells Benjamin that he received a phone call from Mariama, informing him that she is being held captive by a group of kidnappers who will kill her if he does not do what they tell him to. He reveals that he left the pearl for them. Benjamin is shocked and once again raises the possibility that Assane is being scammed, but Assane pays this no heed, telling him that since Mariama referred to him “Sanni”, her nickname for him when he was a young boy, he is sure that she is telling the truth. When Benjamin asks Assane what he plans to do about Claire and Raoul, Assane frustratedly responds that he doesn’t know.

Benjamin in his shop
At that moment, Assane receives a message from the kidnappers, telling him to steal the painting ‘’Chez Tortoni’’ from a Nanterre-based gang leader named Cisco. Over the next few days, Benjamin prepares several gadgets that assist Assane in stealing the painting, among them a trick card deck which doubles as a smoke bomb. He also poses as an officer named “Lieutenant Corentin” while speaking to Cisco on the phone, and later tips the police off to Cisco’s location after his gang’s attempted carjacking. During this time his shop is visited by Claire, who begs him to look her in the eyes and tell her that Assane is still alive. Although Benjamin is saddened by Claire’s distress, he does not reveal the truth.
Benjamin is aware of the fact that Assane plans to get closer to Claire and Raoul by disguising himself as “Alex”, Raoul’s new basketball coach. He also prepares a board of potential suspects for Mariama’s kidnapping, theorizing that the culprit is somebody they had scammed in the past. One afternoon Belkacem pays him a visit and demands to know what he was doing on the evening of December 3rd. Attempting to throw her off the trail, Benjamin feigns outrage at being interrogated over his friend’s death. Belkacem remains suspicious but ultimately leaves.
After Assane has finished with Cisco, he hands ‘’Chez Tortoni’’ off to Ferdinand, one of Mariama’s kidnappers. Benjamin has installed a tracking device onto the painting, which guides Assane to the kidnappers’ lair. Although Benjamin counsels him not to, Assane decides to follow Ferdinand, but does not manage to locate Mariama.
When Assane returns, Benjamin asks him what happened. Assane hands him a photograph of a bracelet called the Red Sea, currently in possession of Tara Xang, the wife of real estate magnet Max Moller. He tells Benjamin that Moller and Xang will be in attendance at a gala at the Château de Thoiry the following Saturday, and that Mariama’s kidnappers want them to steal it. Benjamin is initially reluctant, informing Assane that the extremely intricate bracelet was constructed by Robert Robin, watchmaker to Louis XVI, and that he does not consider himself capable of making a copy. Assane pleads with Benjamin to reconsider, telling him that he has no choice, and Benjamin finally relents.

Benjamin and Assane practice for their roles as cloakroom attendants
As the plan will involve posing as footmen and slipping the bracelet off of Tara Xang’s wrist while taking her coat, Assane practices with Benjamin posing as Tara, due to his smaller size. Assane also guides Benjamin on their escape route through a large hedge maze on the grounds. Additionally, they visit the house of Gérard, the cloakroom attendant at the castle, with Assane posing as an electrician planning to do repairs on the cables around Gérard’s home. While signing several forms, Gérard unwittingly puts his signature on a resignation letter that Assane and Benjamin intend to give to the staff at the Château de Thoiry.
On the evening of the gala, Assane and Benjamin puncture one of the tires on Gérard’s car and cut off his internet connection, effectively trapping him at his home with no means of contacting his employers at the castle. Under the false names Cornélius and Alain, they prepare to remove Tara Xang’s bracelet from her arm, but Max Moller takes her coat himself. This unnerves Benjamin, who wonders when they are going to get another chance to steal it; Assane tells him not to worry, as they will collect it when Moller and Xang are leaving.
Assane and Benjamin are accosted in a nearby hallway by the head of staff at the castle, who asks them were Gérard is. Assane informs the woman that Gérard has quit, handing her the false letter of resignation that Gérard had previously signed. He also suggests that the château is being improperly run, pointing out that he can smell mold. The head of staff is highly embarrassed and leaves them alone.

Benjamin is taken into custody
At the end of the reception, the guests begin to file out. Assane helps Tara Xang with her coat and manages to remove the bracelet from her wrist, but drops it on the ground. Benjamin quickly picks it up, but he is noticed by Max Moller. Benjamin panics and dashes out of the castle and into the maze. To his dismay, he hears police sirens encroaching on the grounds. Benjamin locates a drone in the maze and attaches the bracelet to it, sending it off to Mariama’s kidnappers. Continuing through the maze, Benjamin is horrified to find a large hedge blocking the path that had been laid out for him by Assane. Seconds later, a police squad led by Guédira and Belkacem appears and takes him into custody. As he is being led out of the maze and back through the castle, he stares dejectedly at Assane, who is watching from one of the upper storeys.
Benjamin is taken to jail, where Guédira attempts to force him into confirming that Assane is at large. Benjamin initially appears compliant but gives Guédira the address of Assane’s plot at Père-Lachaise cemetery. Benjamin’s first several days in prison are extremely unpleasant, as he suffers physical abuse in addition to struggling with questionable food and bedding.

Claire tearfully thanks Benjamin after he reveals that Assane is not dead
Benjamin receives a visit from Claire, who is distressed to see his injuries and asks him whether he was given any medication. Benjamin ruefully jokes that “the room service is impeccable.” Claire informs Benjamin that she has been visited by Assane, and that he has told her about how he faked his death, misled the doctors at the morgue, and staged his funeral. Benjamin apologizes to Claire, assuring her that he was against Assane’s scheme from the beginning, before desperately asksing her whether he told her what his current plans are. Claire immediately bursts into tears and reveals that she didn’t know Assane was alive to begin with. Benjamin’s realization that he has been manipulated into revealing Assane’s secret only serves to increase his misery.
Some time later, a drone arrives at the window to Benjamin’s prison cell, carrying a sock inside of which is a small, ringing flip phone. Benjamin picks up the phone and is relieved to hear Assane at the other end of it. A guard arrives; Benjamin hastily hides the phone while he is handed a tray of food. When the guard leaves, Benjamin opens the tray to find a steak dinner with a side of fries, a gift from Assane.
Back on the phone, Benjamin reveals that Claire is now aware that Assane is alive, although he does not admit that he was the one who accidentally told her. He warns Assane that she is likely to figure out the identity of “Coach Alex” soon enough, before inquiring after Mariama. Assane informs Benjamin that her kidnapper is Jean-Luc Keller, an old acquaintance who Benjamin does not know. Benjamin urges Assane to protect Claire and Raoul from Keller; Assane assures him that he will, and instructs him to wait a little longer.
After Assane finally gets Keller sent to jail, he allows himself to be taken into custody as well. Among his conditions is Benjamin’s release; during his interrogation Assane hands Guédira a letter for Claire and instructs him to give it to Benjamin. When Benjamin leaves custordy, he makes his way to the Gare de l’Est, where Claire, Raoul and Mariama are anticipating Assane’s arrival. He gives Claire Assane’s letter, in which he explains that he turned himself in in order to give them a chance to live a life free from danger and harassment. Claire is distraught and breaks down in Benjamin’s arms while he stares gravely into the distance.

Benjamin in his shop
Benjamin is a cunning yet loyal person. His encyclopedic knowledge of antiques, his talent for copying artwork, and his skills in operating technology mean that he is an invaluable asset to Assane even beyond their longstanding friendship. Although Benjamin’s craftiness is nearly level with Assane’s, he tends to be more of a realist when it comes to planning their illegal activities. It is Benjamin who often questions Assane about the practical ramifications of their latest escapade, and it is also he who emphasizes that they ought to work in a “calm and methodical” fashion. Benjamin's role in the pair’s ventures is typically that of an engineer in the background, helping to make sure that Assane's more ostentatious exploits run smoothly. Despite his competence, Benjamin can be somewhat highly-strung, even admitting that between him and Assane, he is the “nervous one.”
Little is known about Benjamin's family, although his attendance at the Andrésy school suggests that he came from a comfortable background. In the present day, Benjamin’s livelihood derives from his work as an antiquarian. He has sold many of Assane’s stolen goods in his shop, although he was careful to keep this hidden from the general public.

Benjamin dressed as a security guard at the Thèâtre du Châtelet
After Fabienne Bériot’s death, Assane left her dog J’accuse with Benjamin, who found the experience trying, particularly since J’accuse barked every time the name “Pellegrini” was spoken. Later, Benjamin claimed that J'accuse had developed the ability to notice when he was thinking about Hubert. Eventually, he became so annoyed that he returned the dog to Assane.
In Benjamin’s teen years, he tended to be somewhat sarcastic and cynical; however, he lacked the elitist attitude demonstrated by other students at the Andrésy school, making sure to defend Assane from a group of bullies and quickly befriending him. In the present day, he is more friendly and good-humored, although still frequently sarcastic. He knows what to say to get Assane back on his feet when his friend seems despondent, and tries his best to comfort and help Claire after Raoul's kidnapping. However, Benjamin can somewhat callous, as evidenced by his recommendation that Assane drop all contact with Juliette Pellegrini after the pair had successfully used her to their advantage.
After Benjamin defended Assane from the bullies at the Andrésy school, the two became fast friends, with their youthful pranks gradually escalating into criminal activity. In 2006, when Benjamin opened his antiquary, Assane gave him a number of his stolen goods to sell, including a precious Fabergé egg. At this point, Benjamin largely stayed out of Assane’s romantic life, demonstrating amusement at the love triangle his friend found himself in.

Assane and Benjamin discuss their plans for the Pellegrini family
In 2020, however, Benjamin was urging Assane to ease up on his crimes out of concern for his relationships with Claire and Raoul. This did not stop Benjamin from assisting Assane with his plan to trap Hubert Pellegrini. Following Assane’s successful rescue of Raoul from Hubert’s clutches, Benjamin was with him every step of the way.
Although Benjamin and Assane bicker on occasion, the two respect one another enormously. Benjamin places a great deal of confidence and trust in Assane's ability to escape from tight spots.
Over the years, Benjamin and Claire have come to be good friends, and of Assane’s two love interests, Benjamin appears to prefer Claire substantially.
When Raoul was kidnapped, Benjamin tried to reassure Claire that Assane would bring him back to her. However, when this failed to convince her, he explained the truth and gave her access to the remaining diamonds from the necklace, which she attempted to give to Hubert in exchange for Raoul. Possibly due to his guilt at allowing Claire to get involved in a situation which she wasn't strong enough to handle, he later defended her decision to betray Assane to the police, pointing out to Assane that she was desperate with worry and would have done anything to get her son back. Later, Claire introduced Benjamin to Marc, her new partner.
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
- "Arsène Lupin is a solitary man, who occasionally calls upon friends with questionable morals but strong loyalty."
- —Assane on his friendship with Benjamin
- "The other day, all I did was think about Pellegrini. He barked. He can read my mind."
- —Benjamin complains about J'accuse
- "Even if I tried to convince you, you'd just end up doing whatever you want."
- —Benjamin on his relationship with Assane
- "Calm and methodical, as usual. I'm the nervous one, don't forget."
- —Benjamin tries to build up Assane's confidence
- In Part 1 and Part 2, Benjamin's shop is located in the Marché aux Puces in Saint-Ouen, just outside the boundary that separates Paris from its banlieues.[1] In Part 3, it has moved to the Passage des Panoramas in the city center.
- Benjamin's yellow Fiat 500 is an homage to the car driven by the main characters of the anime series Lupin III, a long-running anime series about the adventures Arsène Lupin's half-Japanese grandson.[2]
- In the tie-in novel Lupin: Échec à la Reine, Benjamin's parents are named Jules and Édith, and he has a half-sister. It is not clear whether this is true in the television series as well.
- Benjamin's surname, "Férel", is also the name of a small town in the Brittany region of France, close to where actor Antoine Gouy grew up.
Promotional Images[]
Episode Stills[]
Characters |
Assane Diop • Claire • Raoul • Juliette Pellegrini • Anne Pellegrini • Hubert Pellegrini • Youssef Guedira • Benjamin Ferel • Babakar • Capitaine Romain Laugier • Lt. Sofia Belkacem • Gabriel Dumont • Leonard • Fabienne Beriot |
Parts |
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 |
Episodes |
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 • Chapter 10 |
Locations |
Étretat • Louvre • Luxembourg Gardens |
Cast |
Omar Sy • Ludivine Sagnier • Etan Simon • Clotilde Hesme • Nicole Garcia • Hervé Pierre • Soufiane Guerrab • Antoine Gouy • Fargass Assandé • Vincent Londez • Shirine Boutella • Vincent Garanger • Adama Niane • Ludmilla Makowski • Anne Benoit |
Others |
Lupin timeline |