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Brenda is a character in Welcome To Eden. She is a resident at the Eden Foundation tasked with carrying out executions. She is portrayed by Claudia Trujillo.


Brenda is a resident at the Eden Foundation.

She is in charge of carrying out executions and has killed Aldo, Judith and Claudia. Her murder weapon of choice is a device that punctures a hole in the victim's forehead.

Brenda was head of security several years ago.

Throughout Welcome To Eden[]

At the party, Alma informed Brenda that Judith had walked in on Ulises drowning Fran. While Judith and Orson made out, Brenda joined in.[1] The next morning, Orson kidnapped Judith. Brenda and Orson brought Judith to the edge of a cliff. Judith begged for her life and insisted that she did not see anything the night before. Orson covered her arm with blue paint. Brenda shot her in the head and kicked her off the cliff.[2]

Fran ran away and was found by Eva, who alerted the others. Brenda later informed Astrid that the job was done, implying that she had killed him.

When Aldo stole a 4WD to escape Eden, Brenda stopped him. She encouraged him to ask her to show him around the island, instead of stealing something that's not his.[3]

During the farewell party, Aldo tried to escape from Eden by sneaking onto the boat. He slept in a storage room. The next morning, he crawled out of the storage room onto the deck, where Brenda was waiting for him. Brenda took out a device and shot him in the head.[4]

During the party, Erick gave a speech about his relationship with Astrid and about Eden. Suddenly, the screen changed and "Muerte an Astrid", meaning "Death to Astrid" was shown. Astrid was angry and called for a meeting with Erick, Orson, Mayka, Brenda, Ulises and Saúl. Mayka couldn't trace the real culprit of the hack, but Astrid decided that someone needed to pay nevertheless to send a message to the whole community that there are consequences for breaking the rules. Eloy and Zoa were suggested as scapegoats, but the majority voted to save them. They decided to make Claudia the scapegoat instead.

The next morning, Claudia was taken away by Brenda and Orson to the cliff to be executed. Orson covered her arm in blue paint and Brenda shot her in the head.[5]


Brenda can be friendly, however, she is also cold and fiercely loyal to the Eden Foundation. She is willing to follow orders to execute people and will do so without hesitation.

Physical appearance[]

Brenda has long and curly dark hair.


Season One
Season Two



Season 1[]

