César Lazcano is a main character in the Netflix series Who Killed Sara?. He is the patriarch of the Lazcano family, who will stop at nothing to protect his family. He is the primary antagonist in season 1, a secondary antagonist in season 2, and a deuteragonist in season 3.
By the end of the show, he is revealed to have been secretly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, leading him to take the fall for the events that unfold at Medusa, including the deaths of Rodolfo Lazcano and Reinaldo. He also confesses to shooting Abel Martinez dead in the Guzmán's backyard (18 years prior to season 3). He is sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment.
He is portrayed by Ginés García Millán.
Throughout Who Killed Sara?[]
Season 1[]
Initially, César represents the classic image of an arrogant, cruel, dominant, sexist, homophobic, ruthless and traditional patriarc of a family. As a result, César demands his sons to represent the image of what he sees as "masculine". He is cold and distant with Chema because he's openly homosexual, a thing that he refuses to accept and, instead, he forces him to publicly say that he likes women, not men. With Rodolfo is almost the same, with the small difference he's not gay. César considers him a coward, weak "pussy", feeling disappointed with him. He also displays an hedonist attitude, usually being surrounded by young and beautiful women.
He does, however, have a soft and kind side which he usually has with his daughter, Elisa. She's probably the only person in the world César is nice with, and he deeply cares for Elisa. When César saw Elisa got involved in the explosion made by Álex, he was very concerned for his daughter and desesperatly asked to get medical attention. And when he realized she was kidnapped and tortured by Sergio, he threw away his pride and almost begged Álex his help to find her.
César is very protective when it comes to his family, doing whatever it takes to keep it safe, even if that means manipulating, bribing, hurting or killing people in cold blood.
Physical appearance[]
- Season One
- It Wasn't a Mistake
- Bad People
- Love, Sara
- The Monster in the Family
- Life Insurance
- Hunting
- Fear and Guilt
- Where Dreams Become Reality
- Watch the World Burn
- Two Graves