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Caleb Covington is the main antagonist of the Netflix series Julie and the Phantoms. He is portrayed by Cheyenne Jackson.



Not much is known about Caleb Covington. According to Reggie, Caleb died “a horrible death” performing one of his magic tricks. He was presumably a good performer in life and was famous, during the 1920's and 30's.

Sometime after his death, he formed the Hollywood Ghost Club. The club’s purpose is to allow rich and famous lifers (non-dead people) a glimpse of the afterlife. In The Other Side of Hollywood, an exchange between Willie and Alex suggests that the lifers can't reveal the club to the outside world due to more than just being sworn to secrecy, although the exact price paid is unknown as of season 1.

Willie confesses that Caleb owns his soul as well as the souls of the other ghosts at the Hollywood Ghost Club. While it is not known if all the ghosts under Caleb's employment signed up with false expectations and promises, the ghosts that the series introduced (Luke, Alex, Reggie, Willie) had to be coerced into obeying Caleb's commands and/or joining the Hollywood Ghost Club.

Throughout Julie and the Phantoms[]

To Be Added


Caleb Covington is a highly manipulative individual. He relishes being powerful and in control. He uses his control over Willie to instill fear, easing his manipulation over him. He is also ambitious to the point of malice and does not stop until he gets what he wants, as seen when he places his “stamp” on Luke, Reggie and Alex to coerce them into joining his house band or risk perishing.

Physical appearance[]

Caleb Covington is 6 feet and 3 inches tall. He has blue eyes and short, dark brown hair styled neatly. Performing at the HGC, he is seen wearing a deep purple velvet coat, and occasionally a top hat. He wears a ring on both ring fingers.



  • Hollywood Ghost Club Members
  • Willie (former associate)



  • The Other Side of Hollywood
  • You Got Nothing to Lose


Season One


  • He was a famous magician who died a “horrible death” when performing one of his magic tricks, according to Reggie.
  • There is a magazine cover with him on it dated "November 1921”.
  • Cheyenne Jackson once said in an interview that when he auditioned, he was told that Caleb was a ghost from the 1930’s.
  • Caleb quite enjoys eating soup out of his top hat.

