Countess Sophie Esterházy is a character on The Empress. She is portrayed by Wiebke Puls.
Esterházy is Archduchess Sophie's close confidant and Chief Court Mistress.
Throughout The Empress[]
Season 1[]
Esterházy, lined up the handmaidens, including Leontine von Apafi, giving them strict instructions to not leave any gaps in the preparation of the royal wedding. She asked the handmaidens to take note of everything about Elisabeth.
Esterházy is seen giving directions to a line of handmaidens, including the female commoner seen in the previous episode. One by one, the Court Mistresses were introduced to Elisabeth. When Countess Amalia von Salm-Reifferscheidt was introduced, Esterházy told Elisabeth that Amalia could speak 6 languages and was skilled at embroidery and drawing. Countess Charlotte von Stubenberg was introduced as an exquisite harpist. Countess Leontine von Apafi, the commoner in disguise, was described as being from Transylvania, able to speak excellent French and outstanding at reading aloud. Upon hearing this, Elisabeth became excited, asking Leontine if she knew Werther.
When Esterházy and Sophie brought Elisabeth to a room filled with dresses and showed her the latest fashions, Luzi was seen hiding under one of the dresses. Sophie then gifted Elisabeth a necklace that has been in the family for generations. While looking at Elisabeth wearing the necklace, Sophie had a flashback to a time she played with a little girl, who called her "Mama."
The Court Mistresses worked hard to prepare for the royal wedding. Esterházy was frustrated by Elisabeth's lack of discipline.
During Elisabeth and Franz's dance lesson with Johann Strauss, they snuck off and kissed in a room. They were caught by Esterházy.
Esterházy brought Elisabeth to a room, where she was forced to have a chastity test by Dr. Fritsch, with the assistance of Countess Leontine von Apafi and Countess Amalia von Salm-Reifferscheidt. During the chastity test, Elisabeth was visibly uncomfortable and kicked the doctor. She refused to be tested and said that she was chaste, but Esterházy was insistent that the doctor must confirm Elisabeth's chastity. When the doctor questioned Elisabeth's chastity, Leontine von Apafi spoke for Elisabeth and held her hand. Afterwards, Archbishop Rauscher gave Elisabeth his blessing.
On the morning of the wedding, Esterházy was furious as Elisabeth wasn't found in her bed. Instead, Elisabeth was hiding behind the curtains with Helene. Helene found her and the two sisters reconciled their relationship.[1]
After the wedding, Elisabeth requested Countess Esterházy to allow Helene to head her court, which greatly concerned Esterházy. Elisbeth later changed her mind and sent Helene off to Bohemia.
The night of Elisabeth and Franz's wedding, Esterházy demanded that Elisabeth wear a gown for consummation on the wedding night. She told Elisabeth that pain is normal, and that it would be best for her to lie still and let everything take its course. The consummation was not in the pursuit of pleasure, but for God and for the Holy Habsburg Empire.
That night, Sophie lay in bed, concerned that her time at the palace was over. Esterházy attempted to lay down next to her, but was stopped by Sophie. Esterházy appeared disappointed, and it is implied that they have previously had relations.[2]
Esterházy told Sophie that Elisabeth may be pregnant, as she had not bled in a month. Sophie insisted that hope must become reality. Esterházy followed Sophie's instructions and forced Elisabeth to eat raw eggs and the placenta of a woman who just gave birth to her 8th son.[3]
Elisabeth was made to drink more raw eggs to help with bearing an heir. Esterházy and Archduke Luziwuzi accompanied Elisabeth on her trip to the city. Countess Esterházy reminded Elisabeth to not make eye contact, touch or engage in a one-to-one conversation with the people. Luziwuzi gave Elisabeth some advice on what she should say when nervous.
At a foundry, Elisabeth met the staff members, who were all wearing dirty, tattered clothing. She received a gift from the foreman. Ignoring instructions from Esterházy, Elisabeth walked inside the foundry and was disturbed by the horrible working conditions of the iron factory. She was followed by Esterházy and Luziwuzi, who coughed from the fumes. The foreman and Esterházy urged Elisabeth to leave, but she continued working. She met a young girl, named Hedi, who worked in the foundry. She was wearing torn shoes, and explained that she did not have parents. Her brother was saving up to buy her a pair of shoes. Elisabeth gave her shoes to Hedi and wanted to continue walking barefoot, but Esterházy was adamant that an Empress cannnot touch the ground. She had Baron von Kempen carry Elisabeth outside, where an angry crowd had gathered. They thought Elisabeth was too pompous to walk barefoot. The situation went out of control when dirt was thrown at the Luziwuzi's face. The officers started getting violent, and the other visits were cancelled.
After the incident at the foundry, Elisabeth was carried into her bedroom. Both Sophie and Esterházy blamed Elisabeth for the chaos as she did not follow instructions. Later, Sophie warned Esterházy that there would be consequences for her if Elisabeth stepped out of line or failed to fall pregnant again.[4]
Due to Esterházy's inability to keep Elisabeth in line, Esterházy was demoted from Chief Court Mistress. Her role was given to Margarete. If Elisabeth decided to stay, Esterházy's only role would to be to watch over Elisabeth. If Elisabeth returned to Bavaria, Esterházy would be sent away. Esterházy knelt on the ground and begged Sophie to change her mind, but Sophie coldly told Esterházy to stop making a fool of herself. Elisabeth ultimately decided to leave the palace.[5]
Physical appearance[]
- Season One
- "An Empress may not wear the same pair of shoes twice. At the end of each day, they're discarded. This is Schönbrunn."
- —Esterházy speaks to Elisabeth[src]
- "Every morning, every evening, the Empress must have a two-hour bath. Her hair must be combed and braided every day. Three hairdressers are retained around the clock expressly for that purpose. Maintaining well-groomed and radiant hair is vital, which is why you will bathe exclusively in a mixture of donkey's milk and vital chaste tree, which incidentally bolsters fertility. Please clean her fingernails thoroughly as well."
- —Esterházy speaks to the Court Mistresses[src]
- "Today's visit is of utmost importance. The Empress is concerned for her people, and they must see that. Do not forget that as far as the people are concerned, you are a divine being. Always follow these three rules. Do not touch anyone. Never. Avoid eye contact. And do not speak casually with anyone. The Empress must stay untouchable and unassailable. Always."
- —Esterházy speaks to Elisabeth on the way to the foundry[src]