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David Meneses is a character in the Colombian romantic drama thriller series Fake Profile. He is portrayed by Lincoln Palomeque.


Throughout Fake Profile[]

When Camila flies to Cartagena, she gets a ride in by David, who takes her to Fernando's clinic. After she found out she got catfish, she goes back to the airport with David. On her way back to the airport, she sees a familiar name on an ad for "Riviera Esmeralda". David tells her that it's an area for the city's richest residents. She tells him to drive her there, and finds out more about Fernando. David accepts.

When David and Camila arrives at Riviera Esmeralda, Camila immediately spots Fernando and his wife and children. Getting angry by this sight, she walks towards them, but David tries to hold her back and calm her down. She asks him annoyed why he cares, he doesn't even know her. Camila is still upset when a young man drives up and addresses her and David apologizing for the delay, and Camila quickly realizes that the young man thinks they are there to visit Riviera Esmeralda. She then tells David that she needs to check something, so they have to play it up. David disagrees, he says he's leaving immediately, but Camila insists, saying that she'll pay him more.


Physical appearance[]


Season One



