Edgar Anderson is a character in the drama series Eric, who is portrayed by Ivan Morris Howe.
Edgar is a 9-year-old boy, who is the son of Cassie Anderson and leading puppeteer Vincent Anderson. He is artistic yet deeply withdrawn from the world.
Edgar is inspired by the puppets on his father's show Good Day Sunshine, a hit children's puppet show. He wants to make a puppet of his own. Edgar has a close bond with his father's best friend Lennie Wilson.
Edgar's parents have a tumultuous relationship. His mother is warm and loving to him, but his father brings home his vanity, idiosyncrasies, ego, and toxic behavior. His father overlooks Edgar and is abrasive to Edgar's mother. Edgar's parents frequently argue. During their arguments, Edgar often plays in the apartment of George Lovett, the superintendent of their apartment building.
Edgar takes notice of the graffiti tags of Yuusuf Egbe.
Throughout Eric[]
Physical appearance[]
- Season One