Elite is a Spanish teen drama and thriller created by Darío Madrona and Carlos Montero for Netflix. The series is a Netflix Original, with the first series being released onto the platform October 5, 2019, the second series September 6, 2019, the third March 12, 2020, and the fourth season June 18, 2021.
On February 25, 2021, Netflix officially announced that the series has been renewed for a fifth season, which came out on April 8, 2022. The renewal comes before Season 4 has even premiered on Netflix.[1][2] The series was renewed for a sixth season, released on November 18, 2022. It was revealed that the seventh season would be released on October 20, 2023.[3]
"When three working-class teens enrol in an exclusive private school in Spain, the clash between them and the wealthy students leads to murder."
—Netflix synopsis
The series follows three working class students, Samuel, Nadia and Christian who are given scholarships to the most elite private school in Spain, Las Encinas, following their schools collapse.
The three initially struggle at the school, ostracised by the wealthy upper-class students, but quickly find their ground when Samuel befriends Mariana, the daughter of the corrupt manager of the construction company sponsoring the trio's scholarships. The other two find their ground too, with Nadia becoming increasingly close with Mariana's arrogant brother while Christian is involved in an open relationship with Polo and Carla.
As the year at Las Encinas goes on, the audience is able to explore the relationships between the characters through flash-forwards that eventually lead to a death.
This article covers media that has not yet been released. Therefore, there may be content missing. The article will be updated when the media is released onto Netflix.
Premios Feroz
Best Drama Series
GLAAD Media Awards
Outstanding Scripted Television Series (Spanish-Language)
Promotional Videos[]
Elite Official Trailer Netflix
Elite - Party Teaser -HD- - Netflix
Elite Season 2 Official Trailer Netflix
Elite - Season 2 Date Announcement - Netflix
Elite Season 3 Official Trailer Netflix
Elite S3 - Date announce - Netflix
The Cast of Elite Reacts to Audition Tapes Netflix
Elite- Season 4 - Date Announcement - Netflix
Who Are The Class Favorites In Elite? - Netflix
Tá sentindo o poder? - Elite- Temporada 4 - Netflix Brasil -Shorts
ELITE- Cayetana está pronta pra quarta temporada - Netflix Brasil -Shorts
Guzmán como você nunca viu - Elite- Temporada 4 - Netflix Brasil -Shorts
É trisal que vocês querem? - Elite- Temporada 4 - Netflix Brasil -Shorts
Elite- Season 4 - Making-Of - Netflix
ELITE's new Elite - Netflix
Elite - Official Teaser - Netflix
Élite- Temporada 4 - Tráiler - Netflix
Riverdale vs. Elite - Where Are You Going To School? - Netflix