Flynn Taylor is a deuteragonist on Netflix's Julie and the Phantoms. She is portrayed by Jadah Marie.
Flynn attends Los Feliz High School and is Julie Molina's best friend. After finding out that Julie's hologram band are actually the ghosts of Sunset Curve, Flynn proclaims herself the manager of 'Julie and the Phantoms.' She is the one who actually created the name Julie and the Phantoms. She is one half of Double Trouble (the other being Julie), the pair's name for their imagined duo-act, and now a title of their friendship.
Flynn was born sometime between 2004-2005. She attends Los Feliz High School along with Julie, Nick, and Carrie Wilson. She is part of the school's reputable music program. Julie credits Flynn for being there for her and Carlos when her mother died. Not much is known about her family or her home life.
Throughout Julie and the Phantoms[]
Season 1[]
In Wake Up, Flynn was concerned for Julie's place in the music program, and if her friend will continue her passion for music.
She was angry at Julie for keeping her secret hologram band to herself in Bright, but quickly relaxes when Julie tells her that they are ghosts, but only appear when Julie performs with them. She proves this to Flynn when she starts to sing the song Flying Solo at which point the band of Sunset Curve appears (Alex, Luke, Reggie) playing their instruments.
Flynn quickly assumes the role of Julie and the ghosts' band manager, taking charge of their social media (mentioned in the show as including Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube), booking them a gig at their school dance and supporting them at their gig at the cafe in Finally Free.
Flynn is grounded, loyal, and a very assertive person, who values honesty and her friendship with Julie.
She was fully skeptical of the idea of ghosts before she saw them with her own eyes. While she grew to enjoy the idea and appearance of the three boys, as well as the music they made with Julie, Flynn is consistently focused on the fact that they are dead and are intangible, unlike Julie who has the benefit of seeing and regularly interacting with them.
Her loyalty is apparent in her support of Julie through her mother's death as well as the moments in which she backs her up when Carrie tries to dismiss Julie. This loyalty only wavers when she feels she is treated badly, as seen in Flying Solo, when she attempts to egg Julie's house for keeping what she thought were secret friends from her. Flynn unabashedly stands up for herself and doesn't ask for other's approval.
Physical Appearance[]
Flynn is 5 feet and 2 inches tall (157.48 cm). She has dark brown eyes, long black hair she wears in braids, and brown skin. She has a colourful wardrobe and often wears skirts with shorts underneath, and fashionable hats. She wears many bracelets on both wrists, woven and beaded. She wears a rainbow choker and a small gold padlock on a chain, along with other various necklaces and statement earrings.
- Julie Molina - Best Friend, Former Crush
- Carlos Molina - Friend
- Luke Patterson - Friend
- Reggie Peters - Friend
- Alex Mercer - Friend
- Carrie Wilson (former friend)
- Season One
- Wake Up
- Bright
- Flying Solo
- I Got the Music
- The Other Side of Hollywood
- Finally Free
- Edge of Great
- Unsaid Emily
- Stand Tall
- She is in the music program, and although there has been no full showcase of her talent, it was demonstrated that she can rap (imagined in Julie's fantasy in the song I Got the Music), has the basic knowledge of trumpet scales (as seen in Bright), and can DJ (as seen at the dance in The Other Side of Hollywood and before the band's performance in Edge of Great).
- She came up with the name "Double Trouble." In Bright, Julie comments that "she didn't agree to that name," although it didn't matter at that point according to Flynn since Flynn gave Julie a t-shirt with the name in the 7th grade.
- Flynn is the one who came up with the band name, "Julie and the Phantoms," as well as the precursor name, "Julie and the Hologram Band." Like Double Trouble, Julie didn't exactly agree to the name but Flynn had already registered the name in various social media accounts.
- According to an interview, Flynn's friendship with Julie is signified by jewelry, as they both wear many woven and beaded bracelets.
- In the original script of Julie and the Phantoms, there was a romance between Flynn and Reggie but they took it out. This is due to the actors having a 8 year age gap.
"Hey underachiever." (Wake Up)
"It only takes one demon to make a demon baby." (Wake Up)
"DEMON!" (Wake Up)
"You can't give up music. Your music is like a gift so that'd be a tragedy!" (Bright)
"Double Trouble lives again!" (Bright)
"Look who spent all her daddy's money on costumes and Katy Perry's choreographer." (Bright)
"What do you mean, ghosts? The kind that rattle chains and go boo?" (Flying Solo)
"Actually, I think you're joining her band." (Flying Solo)
"And my girl's got a crush, and his name is Luke." (I Got the Music)
"That's what we get for depending on boys." (The Other Side of Hollywood)
"I can't say this enough, that was incredible." (Edge of Great)
"You can't get rid of me. I'm like the crazy glue of best friends." (Unsaid Emily)
"What if the guys are connected to your mom, you know, through music or something!" (Unsaid Emily)
"I had sushi with Brendan Urie." (Stand Tall)
"That's my girl!" (Stand Tall)