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Jamie Hawkins is a character in the series The Night Agent. He is portrayed by Robert Patrick.


Jamie is the deputy director of the FBI who doesn't fully trust young FBI agent Peter Sutherland. He doesn't like sharing him with the White House’s Chief of Staff Diane Farr.

Throughout The Night Agent[]

In a meeting, Jamie Hawkins asked FBI agent Peter Sutherland about a crime report that Peter was meant to write. He was not happy with Peter's response and was annoyed that Peter also reported to Diane Farr, Chief of Staff. Jamie cautioned Peter to choose his side wisely.

Jamie Hawkins informed Rose Larkin of the news her aunt and uncle had been killed. He was not pleased that Diane had sent Peter to take Rose. Peter drove Rose to his apartment to pick up a few things. He set up a camera, took a gun and a burner phone. Rose began to realize her aunt and uncle lied to her about their jobs. Rose found newspapers about a disgraced FBI agent who died in a car crash.

The next morning, Peter was kicked out of the debrief because it was above his level. He urged Rose to tell them everything she saw, but as Rose overheard her aunt say someone in the White House was compromised, she refused to give information during the debrief.[1]

Rose provides Jamie Hawkins and Diane Farr her statement. She is interrogated by Jamie who believes she is hiding something. Jamie doesn't think Peter Sutherland should be protecting Rose, because he's not qualified, but Diane assures him that Peter is ready.

At a meeting in the White House, Jamie tells the attendees that the Emma and Henry Campbell worked for the FBI in counterintelligence and had retired. He believed they called Night Action because they were doing something off the books.

Peter discovers that Jamie used to be the Campbells' handler while they were employed by the FBI. Diane is unaware of this as well, and he wonders what else Hawkins might be keeping secret. She requests that he keep their newfound knowledge to themselves.

Peter calls Diane and asks who removed the Secret Service agents. Diane kicks everyone out of the room, except for Ben Almora and Nathan Briggs from the Secret Service. Ben says it's impossible and tells Nathan to investigate, who finds out that a command was issued 30 minutes ago, pulling out the agents. Only the President, Diane, Ben, Nathan, and Jamie have such power. Jamie can't be reached, which Rose finds suspicious.

Jamie meets with Gordon Wick.

Peter calls Diane, who reveals it was Jamie Hawkins who gave the order to pull the agents, but Jamie is dead. He was killed and dumped on a farm. Peter tells Diane about the encrypted hard drive, and she orders them to go to the White House and bring the hard-drive.[2]


Physical appearance[]


Season One



