Love Is Blind: UK is a reality TV series hosted by Emma Willis and Matt Willis. It was released on Netflix on August 7, 2024.
- "Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say "I do"?"
- —Netflix Synopsis
UK singles who want to be loved for who they are have signed up for a less-conventional approach to modern dating, and will choose someone to marry without ever meeting them. Over several weeks, the newly engaged couples will move in together, plan their wedding and find out if their physical connection matches their strong emotional bond developed in the Pods. When their wedding day arrives, will real-world realities and external factors push them apart, or will they marry the person they fell blindly in love with? Hosted by Emma and Matt Willis, this series will uncover whether looks, race or age do matter, or if love really is blind.
- Emma Willis
- Matt Willis
The Pods Are Open
Two's a Couple, Three's a Love Triangle
He's Here for Fame
We Had Sex... Twice!
I Made a Mistake
Once a Cheat, Always a Cheat
Is She Good Enough for You?
Guess Who's Back
He Wants a Prenup
See You at The Altar
We're Not Ready
The Reunion
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- Watch Love Is Blind: UK on Netflix
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