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This is the timeline of events depicted in Lupin.


28 October 1948[]


23 August 1960[]


13 May 1981[]


Before 1 October 1995[]

  • Babakar Diop began work for the Pellegrinis.[1]

1 October 1995[]

6 October 1995[]

  • Babakar Diop was found dead in his prison cell.[4]

11 October 1995[]

  • Babakar Diop's autopsy was performed.[4]

Around 13 October 1995[]

Later in 1995[]


  • Dirty Money - The Pellegrini System by Fabienne Beriot was published.[6]
  • The Kuala Lumpur terrorist attack occurred.[6]


11 December 2006[]


  • Assane steals the Black Pearl for the first time and gets arrested.[3]


Before 30 November 2020[]

  • Assane Diop stole the Queen's Necklace.[1]

30 November 2020[]

  • Assane Diop met with Fabienne Beriot to recruit her in his mission to take down Hubert Pellegrini.[6]

Around 8 December 2020[]

  • Assane and Benjamin used a drone to steal information from Hubert Pellegrini.[8][9]

11 December 2020[]

  • Raoul's 14th birthday.[7]
  • Assane took Raoul and Claire to Étretat for an Arsène Lupin gathering to celebrate Raoul's birthday.[7]
  • Léonard kidnapped Raoul, resulting in a fight between Léonard and Assane. Assane was detained by police, Raoul was taken into police protective custody, and Léonard escaped.[10]

12 December 2020[]

  • Assane escaped from police to search for Raoul.[11]
  • Assane tricked the police into relinquishing Raoul into his custody and returned home with his son.[11]

Around 17 December 2020[]

18 December 2020[]

  • Assane visited Juliette at Orsay Museum.[12][13]

19 December 2020[]

  • Assane tricked Juliette into thinking he stole a painting for her.[12][13]
  • Assane stole Claire's bracelet for Juliette.[12][13]

20 December 2020[]

  • Assane gave Juliette the stolen bracelet, convincing her of his devotion.[12][13]
  • Juliette visted her mother, Anne Pellegrini, to speak about her father's crimes. Anne was convinced to meet with the police the next morning.[12][13]

21 December 2020[]

22 December 2020[]

  • Hubert Pellegrini was questioned by police and gave them Assane's name.[14]
  • Pellegrini was released from police custody and sent Léonard after Assane, along with a second assassin targeting Léonard.[14]

Between 22 and 26 December 2020[]

  • Claire was questioned by police about Assane.[14]

26 December 2020[]

  • Léonard followed Benjamin to Assane's home where he attempted to murder Assane, but was killed by a second assassin.[14][13]
  • Assane was framed for Léonard's murder and was forced to flee his home. He became wanted throughout Paris.[14][13]

28 December 2020[]

  • Chased by police, Assane and Benjamin escaped through the catacombs.[14][13]

29 December 2020[]

  • A charity concert was held at Théâtre du Châtelet. Hubert Pellegrini attempted to embezzle donations, but Assane and his team diverted the attempt, returning the donations to the foundation.[8][13]
  • Hubert Pellegrini and Gabriel Dumont were arrested.[8][13]

31 December 2020[]

  • Assane's "Luis Perenna" ID expired.[1]


27 November 2021[]

  • Assane arrived back in Paris after a year in exile. Claire rebuffed Assane's plans to take her and Raoul out of France.[3]

3 December 2021[]

  • Assane Diop stole the Black Pearl for the second time. He was pronounced dead later that evening.[2]

9 December 2021[]

  • Assane's funeral was held at Père-Lachaise Cemetery.[15]

28 December 2021[]


  • While it's confirmed that Babakar Diop was found dead on November 29, 1995, in "Chapter 1", "Chapter 3" provides the incident report and autopsy report, which are dated October 6 and October 11, respectively. These dates seem to be better supported, and also leave more time for the many 1995 events.
  • In "Chapter 1", Assane Diop claims to be 16 years old in 1995, however his 14th birthday is noted to occur in 1995 on more than one occasion. This is also later confirmed to be true when his birthdate (May 13, 1981) is shown on his gravestone in Part 3's "Chapter 2".


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 George Kay (writer) & Louis Leterrier (director) (January 8, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 1".
  2. 2.0 2.1 George Kay, François Uzan, Marie Roussin (writers) & Ludovic Bernard, Daniel Grou (directors) (October 5, 2023). Lupin "Chapter 2" (Part 3).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 George Kay, François Uzan, Marie Roussin (writers) & Ludovic Bernard (director) (October 5, 2023). Lupin "Chapter 1" (Part 3).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 François Uzan (writer) & Louis Leterrier (director) (January 8, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 3".
  5. Assane Diop's 14th birthday is said to be one week after his father's death in "Chapter 1".
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 George Kay, François Uzan, & Eliane Montane (writers) & Marcela Said (director) (January 8, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 4".
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 George Kay & François Uzan (writers) & Marcela Said (director) (January 8, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 5".
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 George Kay & Sumerah Strivastav (writers) & Hugo Gélin (director) (June 11, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 10".
  9. "Chapter 10" states that the drone invasion of the Pellegrini Mansion occurred three weeks before the charity concert, placing it around December 8.
  10. George Kay, Soliho Bodin, & Nicolas Clément (writers) & Ludovic Bernard (director) (June 11, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 6".
  11. 11.0 11.1 George Kay & Camille Couasse (writers) & Ludovic Bernard (director) (June 11, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 7".
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 George Kay & Steve Bailie (writers) & Hugo Gélin (director) (June 11, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 8".
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 When forming the plan to manipulate Juliette against her father, Assane mentions that Claire hasn't let him see Raoul in a week, putting this meeting about one week after Raoul's kidnapping. Assane later sets up a meeting between Youssef Guédira and Anne Pelegrini to take place Monday at 10AM, which means the entire Juliette plan must occur before Monday, December 21. Crunching the dates as much as possible in accordance with onscreeen day/night transitions, this means Assane must have formed the plan around December 17 (five days after he last saw his son) - definitively no later and likely no sooner. Gabriel Dumont's phone confirms the day before the concert to be December 28 (putting the concert on December 29), and it's on this day that the news states Assane has been wanted for two days, putting the date of his framing on December 26. The Anne/Guédira meeting can't have taken place after this, confirming it to land on December 21 - the only available Monday.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 George Kay & Sumerah Strivastav (writers) & Hugo Gélin (director) (June 11, 2021). Lupin "Chapter 9".
  15. On the morning that the news of Assane's death breaks, Belkacem mentions that the funeral will take place the following Thursday.
  16. George Kay & François Uzan (writers) (October 5, 2023). Lupin "Chapter 5" (Part 3).