Minecraft: Story Mode is an American animated adventure series created by Telltale Games. This series was released as an original series on November 27, 2018. Originally, Minecraft: Story Mode was a game made by Telltale Games. The series was removed from Netflix globally in December 2022.
- "Take control of an adventure set in the Minecraft universe. The future of the world is at stake, and your decisions shape the story -- so choose wisely!"
- —Official Netflix synopsis
Cast and Characters[]
- Ashley Johnson as Petra
- Martha Plimpton as Olivia
- Paul Reubens as Ivor
- Brian Posehn as Axel
- Dee Bradley Baker as Reuben
- Patton Oswalt as Jesse (Male)
- Catherine Anne ''Cat'' Taber as Jesse (Female)
- Scott Porter as Lukas
- Dave Fennoy as Gabriel, the Warrior
- Billy West as The Narrator
- The Order of the Stone - E01 S01
- Assembly Required - E02 S01
- The Last Place You Look - E03 S01
- A Block and a Hard Place - E04 S01
- Order Up! - E05 S01
- A Portal to Mystery - E06 S01
- Access Denied - E07 S01
- A Journey's End? - E08 S01
Promotional Images[]