Owen Hendricks is a character on The Recruit. He is portrayed by Noah Centineo.
Owen is a young lawyer fresh out of law school. He joins the CIA because he wants to do something more challenging than being a corporate lawyer. On his first day at work, he becomes involved in a complicated case involving a former intelligence asset named Max Meladze and an international conspiracy.
Owen lives with his ex and best friend, Hannah Copeland, and a mutual friend named Terence Hoffman. Hannah's wealthy and influential family is involved with Owen's case. Despite being exes, the two remain on good terms.
When Owen was 12, his father was blown up in Afghanistan, and his mother never got over it.
Throughout The Recruit[]
On Owen's first day of work, Violet Ebner and Lester Kitchens hand him a pile of graymail, and ask him to determine which threats are legitimate. After doing some digging, Owen discovers that one graymail from Max Meladze seems legitimate, as she has knowledge of code names that no one outside the CIA would know. When he brings this news to his boss, Walter Nyland, Walter questions why Violet and Lester did not discover this earlier when they were tasked with going through the graymail. Walter tells Owen to continue his investigation. Violet and Lester, who don't trust Owen, purposely misdirect him by implying that he should travel to Yemen to investigate the case, knowing that Owen had not yet been issued a black passport to provide him with diplomatic immunity.
While in Yemen, Owen is held hostage and interrogated. The people there initially doubt he is from the CIA, as he does not have a black passport, and pull out one of his nails. They eventually set him free.
Owen meets Max Meladze is prison. When Max notices how young and inexperienced Owen is, she loses interest and asks him to send over someone who can actually help her. However, they eventually make a deal to help out each other. Owen would help Max get out of prison, if she did not reveal the CIA secrets that she knows. Max agrees, as she is desperate to return home.
Max tells Owen that she has confidential CIA documents in a storage room. When Owen goes to the storage to retrieve the bag of documents, he is approached by two Spanish-speaking men, who point their guns at him and order him to hand over the bag. Owen makes a run for it, but the two eventually catch up to him. Upon opening the bag, acid comes out, burning the faces of the two men. Owen grabs the bag and runs. He realizes that the bag actually contains cash, not confidential documents. When speaking to Max about this, she tells him to hand over the cash to her associates.[1]
While staying at a motel, Owen meets Kelly Kwitny, who was eating fried chicken by the pool. They eat some together, and then sacrifice some by throwing them into the pool.
Violet arranged for Amelia Salazar to help Owen with his case. In exchange, Owen would spend time with Amelia, and Amelia would secretly hand over information about Owen to Violet.
In Vienna, Owen meets with Xander Goi. While in a taxi, Owen speaks to Max on the phone and mentions that the woman driving his taxi is not the owner of the taxi, as the license in the car shows a photo of a man. Max realizes that this woman is an assassin and instructs Owen to kill her by strangling her with her seat belt. Owen is hesitant, as he does not want to kill her. He jumps out of the car and is followed by assassins. He eventually steals a truck to drive away, and when the assassins catch up to him, he jumps off a bridge into a river, to get away from them.[2]
At Max's court hearing, he discovers that Kelly is the daughter of the man Max killed. Max taunts a distraught Kelly in court.
Walter Nyland instructs Owen to help Lester Kitchens with one of his cases, which involves traveling to Lebanon. In Lebanon, Owen and Lester meet with Lester's former colleague, Dave. He refuses to pay his ex-wife child support, causing his wife to threaten to reveal CIA secrets that Dave told her. Owen and Lester give Dave a contract agreeing to let the agency deduct his pay to pay his wife child support. Dave initially refuses, but after Owen and Lester convince him his life will be over if his ex-wife were to leak state secrets that he told her, he reluctantly signs the contract.
After wards, Owen and Lester drink in a bar. Lester tells Owen how he met Violet at an army base in Germany, and that she helped him with law school online. Lester doubts Owen's abilities and calls him lucky, but Owen claims that he is simply good at his job and that if Lester knew about his life, he wouldn't call him lucky.
Back in Washington, D.C, the Attorney General shows up after Owen sends him a priority email. Owen persuades him to set Max free.[3]
Owen is out buying breakfast with Violet and Lester. Owen and Lester talk about their trip to Lebanon. Violet is upset that two first-year guys were sent to the Middle East, while she, a more qualified lawyer, is stuck redacting memos. She wants something more challenging. Owen is then handed a stack of documents by a man from the Office of Technical Services. He goes to Walter Nyland's office, where he is introduced to Dawn Gilbane. He immediately recognizes her as the woman who pulled out his nail during his trip to Yemen. Walter and Dawn inform Owen that they intend to make Max an asset in Belarus again, due to her connections with the FSB. This complicates the case, as it means the Attorney General can no longer just make the case disappear, as Owen had planned.
When Owen informs the Attorney General that he can no longer help in the case, the Attorney General is angry and mentions that someone witnessed Max murdering the man. Owen tries to get the name of the witness, but the Attorney General leaves.
When Walter hears about the documents from the Office of Technical Services, he wants to put Lester on the case, but Owen convinces him to give it to Violet instead, since she had said earlier that she wanted a challenge. However, this attempt to help Violet backfires as she doesn't want an AI case. She believes Owen purposely sabotaged her.
Owen and Amelia arrange to go on a date again.
Owen visits Max in prison and reveals the news to her. Max believes that they want to send her back to Belarus, because it would be easier to kill her off US soil. Owen tells her that she needs to prove that she is worth more alive than dead. Max also mentions that she has learned that he met with Xander Goi in Vienna and sent him a note.
Hannah Copeland is invited to go to the Sea Life Society Gala, where Senator Sebastian Smoot is the honorary speaker. Since Hannah's parents are on the board of the Sea Life Society, she has to go. Hannah was initially going to bring her boyfriend Jeff, but he is busy working at the White House. Owen convinces her to let him go with her. There, they meet Hannah's parents, the ambassador, Senator Smoot and Justice Collins. Senator Smoot seems concerned by Owen and asks someone over the phone to find out information about Owen.
After Owen learns that the witness to the murder is Danny Woodrow, he goes to Danny's house and convinces him to testify on camera at his house, instead of doing it in court. The interview is interrupted by a large man breaking into the home and attacking the two of them. Owen and Danny lock themselves into the bathroom, while Owen calls Max, questioning why she did not trust him and sent a hitman to Danny's house. Max advises Owen to blind the hitman with some chemicals and escape, which he does successfully.[4]
Owen is ambitious and reckless. He puts himself in danger to investigate cases.
Physical appearance[]
- Owen's Instagram handle is "owenthatsme."
Characters |
Owen Hendricks • Max Meladze • Violet Ebner • Lester Kitchens • Hannah Copeland • Terence Hoffman • Janus Ferber • Walter Nyland • Amelia Salazar • Xander Goi • Dawn Gilbane • Kelly Kwitny • Danny Woodrow • Nichka Lashin/Karolina |
Cast |
Noah Centineo • Laura Haddock • Aarti Mann • Colton Dunn • Fivel Stewart • Daniel Quincy Annoh • Kristian Bruun • Vondie Curtis-Hall • Kaylah Zander • Byron Mann • Angel Parker • Alexandra Petrachuck • Charlie Saxon • Maddie Hasson |
Episodes |
I.N.A.S.I.A.L. • N.L.T.S.Y.P. • Y.D.E.K.W.Y.D. • I.Y.D.I.A.A.C. •T.S.L.A.Y.P. • I.C.I.N.C. • I.M.F.T.B.S. • W.T.F.I.O.H. |