Valeria is a Spanish drama-comedy series, created by María López Castaño. The series follows Valeria who is a writer in crisis, both with her novels and her husband. It was released on May 8, 2020.
On 12 June 2020, it was announced that Netflix renewed the series for a second season.[1] The second season was released on 13 August 2021. The third season premiered on June 2, 2023.[2]
- "A writer in creative and marital crises finds support from three friends, who are also discovering themselves. Based on the novels by Elísabet Benavent."
- —Netflix Synopsis
- "The four friends support and lift each other up as they each make momentous decisions that will affect their respective careers and love lives."
- —Netflix Synopsis Season 2
Valeria is a writer in crisis, both with her novels and her husband. Thankfully, her three best friends, Carmen, Lola, and Nerea, support her through her adventures, whilst having ones of their own. Valeria and her friends are immersed in a whirlwind of emotions about love, friendship, jealousy, unfaithfulness, doubts, heartbreak, secrets, work, worries, joy and dreams of the future.
Cast and Characters[]
- Diana Gómez as Valeria
- Silma López as Lola
- Paula Malia as Carmen
- Teresa Riott as Nerea
- Maxi Iglesias as Víctor
- Ibrahim Al Shami as Adrián
Promotional Videos[]
Promotional Images[]
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- Watch Valeria on Netflix