Zero is an Italian drama-comedy sci-fi series created by Menotti. It is based on the book Non ho mai avuto la mia età by Antonio Dikele Distefano. Zero is the first Italian series that centers the Black Italian experience. The protagonist, Omar, is so accustomed to feeling invisible to others that he might as well be zero to them.
The series is produced by Fabula Pictures with the participation of Red Joint Film. Antonio Dikele Distefano, rising star in the Italian publishing scene, wrote the series, created by Menotti, together with Stefano Voltaggio (also Creative Executive Producer of ZERO) Massimo Vavassori. Directed by Paola Randi, Ivan Silvestrini, Margherita Ferri and Mohamed Hossameldin.[1]
- "A shy teen with the extraordinary power to turn invisible joins the fight to defend his poor neighborhood despite wanting to escape to pursue his dream."
- —Official Netflix synopsis
ZERO tells the story of a shy boy with an extraordinary superpower: becoming invisible. Not a superhero, but a modern hero who learns about his powers when the Barrio, the district of the Milan suburb from which he wanted to escape, is in danger. Zero will have to wear the uncomfortable clothes of a hero, despite himself and, in his adventure, he will discover the friendship of Sharif, Inno, Momo and Sara, and perhaps even love.
Cast and Characters[]
- Giuseppe Dave Seke as Zero/Omar
- Haroun Fall as Sharif
- Beatrice Grannò as Anna
- Dylan Magon as Momo
- Daniela Scattolin as Sara
- Madior Fall as Inno
- Virginia Diop as Awa
- Alex Van Damme as Thierno
- Frank Crudele as Sandokan
- Serena de Ferrari as Vidya
- Susanna Acchiardi as Carolina
- Giordano De Plano as Fumagalli Ricci
- Ashai Lombardo Arop as Marieme
- Roberta Mattei as La Vergine
- Thierry Toscan as Dietmar
- Miguel Gobbo Diaz as Rico
- Stefano Taza as Moreno
- Federica Torchetti as Maria Pia
- Livio Kone as Honey
- Elisa Wong as Robbi
- Giovanni Crozza as Edo
Promotional Videos[]
Promotional Images[]
See More[]
- Watch Zero on Netflix